All Linda Hoj pieces are handcrafted using stones cut as they were centuries ago and high-karat gold, renowned for its enduring quality and everyday elegance. While I prefer when the 22k gold I use bears the hallmarks and glow of everyday wear, I recognize that dirt and grime can still accumulate. Following a few simple care steps will help keep your jewelry looking its best. Please review the following care instructions carefully to ensure the longevity of your piece.
Gently brushing the surfaces with a soft toothbrush and warm soapy water will be all you need to loosen dirt and brighten the surfaces. Be sure to rinse with clean water to remove any soap and dry with a soft cotton cloth. Store your pieces in a safe, dry environment, ideally in a manner that prevents them from rubbing against other jewelry.
All natural stones should be handled with care. To keep your stones looking bright and dazzling avoid exposing your jewelry to extreme temperatures or harsh chemicals. Remove all your fine jewelry before jumping into a chlorinated swimming pool and when using household cleaners. Gently wipe stones with a soft cloth from time to time to remove any traces of chemicals or residues. If you can see the stones from the backside of the piece, indicating they are set with an open back, use a soft toothbrush and soapy water to gently clean away any accumulated debris. I do not recommend using ultrasonic cleaners, as the vibrations can loosen and fracture stones.
For further information about caring for your Linda Hoj piece, email me at jewelry@lindahoj.com.